Our story begins with Massimo, a fervent lover of reading and history, immersed in the pages of books and comics since childhood. This passion not only enriched his life but became the beating heart of a successful career that spans over three decades in flea markets. Thanks to his commitment and dedication, Massimo was able to transform a hobby into a thriving professional career, earning the admiration and respect of a vast community of enthusiasts.

The baton of this passion was then taken up by Deborah, Massimo's daughter, who inherited the love for comics and discovered new fascinating worlds such as that of manga and Pokémon cards. With an innovative spirit and a vision in step with the times, Deborah has broadened the horizon of the family business, bringing it into the digital age. His goal? Going beyond the boundaries of traditional markets to embrace the infinite potential of online, offering an information and sales service that goes beyond the simple commercial transaction.

Our site is not only a showcase for the thousands of new and used items available in our three warehouses, constantly updated with new arrivals, but it is also the meeting point for a vibrant community of enthusiasts. Here, Massimo and Deborah's passion merges with that of our customers, creating a real ecosystem of cultural exchange and experiences.

Our mission goes beyond simple trade. We want to be a source of inspiration, a place where the passion for reading, history, comics, manga, and collecting Pokémon cards is transmitted and enriched day after day. We firmly believe in the value of every item, new or used, as a piece of history, a fragment of a world to explore and share.

In this adventure, trust and precision are our pillars. Each item, before reaching you, is carefully selected and evaluated, to guarantee you not only a product, but an authentic experience, enriched by our expertise and our unconditional passion.

We are more than a shop: we are custodians of stories, dreams, and adventures. Join us on this journey through pages and pixels, and discover with us new worlds, new stories, and the infinite magic of reading and collecting. Welcome to our family, where every enthusiast finds a home.